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Policy GCA

Job Descriptions

The South Portland Board of Education shall maintain written job descriptions of the  jobs, or positions, describing the essential characteristics, requirements and general duties  of the jobs. The South Portland Board of Education will approve the broad purpose and  function of positions in harmony with state laws and regulations, approve statement of  job requirements as recommended by the Superintendent and delegate to the  Superintendent the task of writing, or causing to be written, job descriptions for all  positions.  

These job descriptions shall not be interpreted as complete or limiting definitions of any  job, and employees shall perform any duties assigned by department heads, supervisors,  or other administrative authority per the collective bargaining agreement. Problems with  respect to interpretation shall be referred to the Superintendent of Schools.  

Adopted: May 13, 1974  

Revised: June 9, 1975  

Revised: May, 2001  

Revised: July 9, 2001  

*Please excuse any formatting errors.