South Portland School District recognizes the role of booster groups in assisting the schools in enriching athletic and other extracurricular activities and enabling more students to participate in such activities. For the purpose of this policy, a booster group is a parent and/or community group that is organized for the purpose of providing resources to support a particular sport or activity in the school or school system and to support the school in recognizing student accomplishment in athletics and activities.
Only those booster groups that have been approved by the Board may use the name and or logo of the [School Unit Name] or its schools. The Superintendent may make recommendations to the Board concerning the approval of groups seeking booster status.
In order to be approved as a booster group, a group must meet the following criteria:
The group must be comprised of [OR: operated by] adults rather than students;
The group must provide details of the structure of the organization including its purpose and goals, the intended use of funds generated, the names of its officers and its bylaws;
The booster president or designee must make application to the Superintendent [OR: building principal or _______] for all uses of school facilities for fund raising projects, in accordance with the Board’s facilities use policy and procedures;
Use of school facilities by the group will comply with all policies and regulations established by the Board and, as applicable, the Maine Principals Association;
No monies collected by booster group fund raising activities will be deposited directly to student athletic/activity accounts;
All fundraising activities must be approved in advanced by the [Superintendent [OR: building principal or _______];
No fundraising activities will be conducted within the school during school hours by the group;
All funds raised by the group must be used to achieve the stated purposes of the group;
The group must maintain bank, financial and tax exempt status separate from the school. The organization will provide to the Board annually or upon request a complete set of financial records or detailed treasurer’s report;
Booster groups may not lawfully use the school’s sales tax exemption for purchases or sales;
Booster group gifts should enhance activities for both boys and girls. The Board will consider gender equity and budget implications before accepting booster group donations;
Any booster group plan or project that would require expansion, renovation or construction of school facilities or would increase maintenance costs for facilities shall require Board approval;
Any booster group plan to provide awards or recognition to teams or individual students must be approved by the Board before any public announcement is made;
Booster groups will not directly pay coaches or officials, purchase equipment or pay for transportation; and
Booster groups will not select coaches, assistant coaches or activity advisors or influence the selection of coaches, assistant coaches or activity advisors.
The Board reserves the right to revoke the approval of any booster group if it is found that the group’s operations and purposes are inconsistent with Board policies.
Cross Reference: EFE—Competitive Food Sales
JJI—Philosophy of Athletics
Adopted: __________
*Please excuse any formatting errors.