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Policy GCF

Recruitment, Nomination And Appointment Of Staff

  1. The Board shall attempt to attract, secure and hold the highest qualified  personnel for all positions. The selection program shall be based upon an  alertness to candidates who will devote themselves to the education and welfare  of the children attending the public schools.  

  1. It is the responsibility of the Superintendent and his/her designees to determine  the personnel needs of the school system and to locate candidates to nominate for  employment by the Board. Through effective administrative procedures the  Superintendent shall attract and nominate personnel who are motivated to do  their best work and to be creative from their own inner resources.  

  1. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to see that persons nominated for  employment in the schools shall meet all certification requirements, health  requirements, and requirements of the Board for the type of position for which  the nomination is made.  

  1. The following guidelines shall be used in the selection of personnel:  

  • The schools shall ensure equal employment opportunity/educational opportunities, affirmative action, regardless of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, marital status, age or disability.  

  • The quality of instruction is enhanced by a staff with a wide variation in  background, educational preparation, and previous experience. Concerted  efforts shall be exerted to maintain a variation in the staff.  

  • The administrator(s) who is/are directly responsible for the work of a staff  member(s) will participate at all levels of the screening, interviewing, selection process; however, the final selection shall be made or approved by  the Superintendent. 

  • No candidates shall be hired without a personal interview, and wherever  practical, the candidate shall be observed in his/her own school prior to selection. References shall be checked.  

  • All candidates shall be considered on the basis of their merits, qualifications,  and the needs of the school system. In each instance, the Superintendent and  others playing a role in the selection shall seek to hire the best qualified person for the job.  

  • While the Board may accept or reject a nomination, an appointment shall be  valid only when nominated by the Superintendent.  

  1. The Superintendent of Schools has the right to consider related outside  experience of new employees for initial placement on the salary scale.  

Legal Reference: TITLE 2O-A MRSA SEC. 13201 et seq.  

Revised: October 13, 1980  

Revised: April 13, 1981  

Revised: July 9, 2001 

*Please excuse any formatting errors.