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Policy ING-R

Protocol For Animals In The Classroom

It is the intent of this policy to limit exposure to animals which may cause allergic  reactions to individuals with inhalant and/or contact allergies or asthma.  

Animals not known to cause allergic reactions may safely continue to be kept in the  classroom. Goldfish bowls, saltwater and tropical aquariums are not known to cause  allergic reactions and, therefore, are permissible for classroom use.  

Salamanders, turtles and iguanas are known carriers of disease and must be kept in  enclosed containers and only handled by an adult.  

For a science unit, eggs may be hatched in a classroom environment, however, chicks  must be removed as soon as practical. Insects for science units may be kept safely for  short-term observations.  

Staff members must secure their principal’s approval before animals are allowed in the  classroom. In addition, they must give notification to the parents/guardians of their  students.  

Adopted: April 12, 1996  

Revised: June, 2001  

Revised: July 8, 2002  

*Please excuse any formatting errors.