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Policy IJNDB-R

Student Computer And Internet Use Rules

All students are responsible for their actions and activities involving school department  technology devices, network and Internet services, and for their digital files, passwords  and accounts. These rules provide general guidance concerning the use of the school  department’s computers and examples of prohibited uses. The rules do not attempt to  describe every possible prohibited activity by students. Students, parents and school staff  who have questions about whether a particular activity is prohibited are encouraged to  contact a building administrator. These rules apply to all school devices and all school provided devices wherever used, and all uses of school servers, Internet access, networks  and other services regardless of how they are accessed.  

As used herein, the terms “computer[s]” or “device[s]” refer to any desktop, laptop,  server, chromebook, tablet or other mobile computing device, including cellular phones  and wearables, owned or issued by the South Portland School Department to any student,  or any privately owned devices used in school or used to access school department  networks, Internet or services. 

Computer use is a privilege, not a right. Student use of the school department’s  computers, electronic devices (including personally owned devices used at school),  networks, school provided accounts, Internet and other services is a privilege, not a right.  Unacceptable use/activity may result in suspension or cancellation of privileges as well as  additional disciplinary and/or legal action. Violations of the school department’s policies  and rules may also result in referral to law enforcement. A building administrator,  Director of Technology or other designee shall have final authority to decide whether all  or some of a student’s privileges will be denied or revoked.  

South Portland School Department is committed to the education of minors about  appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social  networking websites and in chat rooms, cyberbullying awareness and response, and  digital citizenship as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

  1. Acceptable Use  

  • South Portland School Department’s devices, network, Internet and other services are  provided for educational purposes and research consistent with the school department’s  educational mission, curriculum and instructional goals.  

  • Board policies, school rules and expectations concerning student conduct and  communications apply when using school devices, services or networks, whether on or  off school property.  

  • Students also must comply with all specific instructions from school staff and  volunteers when using the school department’s devices, services or networks. 

  1. Prohibited Use

Examples of unacceptable uses that are expressly prohibited include but are not limited to  the following:  

  • Accessing or Communicating Inappropriate Materials – Students may not access,  submit, post, publish, forward, download, scan or display defamatory, abusive, obscene,  vulgar, sexually explicit, sexually suggestive, threatening, discriminatory, harassing,  bullying and/or illegal materials or messages.  

  • Illegal Activities – Students may not use the school department’s devices, network  and/or Internet services for any illegal activity or in violation of any Board  policy/procedure or school rules. The school department assumes no responsibility for  illegal activities of students while using school devices, or services.  

  • Violating Copyrights or Software Licenses – Students may not copy, download or  share any type of copyrighted materials (including music, images or films) without the  owner’s permission (see policy EGAA-R); or copy or download software without the  express authorization of the Director of Technology. Unauthorized copying of software is  illegal and may subject the copier to substantial civil and criminal penalties. The school  department assumes no responsibility for copyright or licensing violations by students.  

  • Plagiarism – Students may not represent as their own work any materials obtained on  the Internet (such as term papers, articles, music, etc.). When Internet sources are used in  student work, the author, publisher and web site must be identified.  

  • Non-School-Related Uses – Students many not use the school department’s computers,  networks, Internet and other services for non-school-related purposes such as private  financial gain, commercial, advertising or solicitation purposes.  

  • Misuse of Passwords/Unauthorized Access – Students may not share passwords; use  other users’ passwords; access or use other users’ accounts; or attempt to circumvent  network security systems.  

  • Malicious Use/Vandalism – Students may not engage in any malicious use, disruption  or harm to the school department’s devices, network, Internet or other services, including,  but not limited to, physically marking, damaging, or altering computers, hacking  activities, creation/uploading of computer viruses.  

  • Avoiding School Filters – Students may not attempt to or use any software, utilities,  firewalls, VPNs or other means to access Internet sites or content blocked or limited by  the school filters. If a student believes filtering should be less restrictive on a temporary  basis for specific bona fide research or educational purposes, he/she should discuss the  matter with a teacher or contact the Director of Technology.  

  • Unauthorized Access to Blogs/Social Networking Sites, Etc. –Students may not access  blogs, social networking sites, etc. to which student access is prohibited. 

  1. Compensation for Losses, Costs and/or Damages

  • The student and his/her parents are  responsible for compensating the school department for any losses, costs or damages  incurred for violations of Board policies/procures and school rules while the student is  using school department devices, including the cost of investigating such violations. The  school department assumes no responsibility for any unauthorized charges or costs  incurred by a student while using school department devices.  

  1. Student Security  

  • A student is not all