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Policy IKAD

Parent Conferences

Report Cards and Progress Reports should be supplemented by informal notes, telephone  calls, and personal conferences. Optimum growth of students is possible only if the home  and school work together, and working together requires communication.  

In grades K-8 there shall be at least two scheduled conferences each year. Directors and  Principals will develop conference plans early in the school year. When possible and  where appropriate, conferences will be student-parent-teacher conferences and will  involve students sharing progress toward stated goals.  

Teachers and counselors in grades 9 through 12, while not necessarily scheduling  conferences regarding each pupil, should arrange student-involved conferences during  times set aside for fall and spring semesters. 

Adopted: June 12, 1972  

Revised: March 8, 1976  

Revised: February 26, 2002  

Revised: July 8, 2002  

*Please excuse any formatting errors.