Individual school attendance boundaries, elementary and secondary, shall be established by the Board of Education and may be changed as population conditions warrant or as capacities of buildings require adjustment of student loads.
Students shall attend the school in the attendance district in which they reside.
Exceptions to this policy (waivers) are unusual and will only be granted in extenuating circumstances when there is space available. Exceptions will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the Superintendent. The committee will make recommendations to the Superintendent. Decisions of the Superintendent are final. Exceptions are for one year only. Parents will provide transportation to and from school. Regular attendance, arrival at school on time each day, as well as positive school citizenship are all required. Failure to maintain any of these would be grounds for revoking the waiver.
The Board of Education recognizes that from 2009-2013 under the NCLB regulations, students attending schools in the CIPS process were allowed school choice. As such, a number of students elected to attend schools outside of their attendance district. Those students will be allowed to remain in their present schools through grade 5. Siblings of students granted waivers under NCLB regulations who start school in 2014-15, 2015-16, or 2016-17 will be granted exceptions (waivers) as long as the addition to a classroom does not exceed 10% of the Board’s class size policy. Once they have been granted the exception they will be able to stay through grade 5.
Beginning in 2017-18, all exceptions (waivers) will be reviewed and granted only in extenuating circumstances if there is space available.
Adopted: April 14, 2014
*Please excuse any formatting errors.