The South Portland Board of Education provides bus transportation for students within the distance guidelines as established by the Board. It is the preferred means of transport for students to and from school.
South Portland High School students may be allowed to use legally registered automobiles and other legally registered motorized vehicles for transportation to and from school. Students shall be expected to abide by any and all rules and regulations as may be set forth by the Board of Education as well as the regulations and laws set forth by the South Portland Police Department and the State of Maine Motor Vehicle Department.
All vehicles so used will be properly parked in school parking lots and may not be moved or entered during school hours, prior to dismissal of the student, without the permission of the Principal or his/her designee. School parking lots are considered school “storage facilities”.
Students who do not observe the school rules regarding the use of vehicles or who do not operate them on school property in a safe and prudent manner may lose the privilege to bring their vehicles to school.
Adopted: January 11, 2010
*Please excuse any formatting errors.