The Board recognizes that concussions and other head injuries are potentially serious and may result in significant brain damage if not recognized and managed properly. The Board adopts this policy to promote the safety of students participating in school‐sponsored activities, including but not limited to interscholastic sports and co‐curricular activities.
Cognitive And Academic Considerations
School personnel should be alert to cognitive and academic issues that may be experienced by students who have suffered a concussion or other head injury, including but not limited to difficulty with concentration, organization, long‐and‐short term memory and sensitivity to bright lights and sounds, and accommodate a gradual return to full participation in academic activities as appropriate, based on the recommendations of
the student’s health care provider and appropriate designated school personnel (e.g., 504 Coordinator or school nurse). Full participation in academics will be required before resumption of non‐academic school activities is allowed.
Management Of Concussive And Other Head Injuries
It is the responsibility of staff members involved in a school activity and trained in the signs and symptoms related to concussion or other head injury, to act in accordance with this policy when the staff member recognizes that a student may be exhibiting signs, symptoms and behaviors associated with a concussion or other head injury.
Any student suspected of having sustained a concussion or other head injury during a school‐ sponsored activity including but not limited to competition, practice or scrimmage, must be removed from the activity immediately. The student and his/her parent(s) will be informed of the need for an evaluation for brain injury before the student will be allowed to return to the activity.
No student will be permitted to return to the activity or to participate in any other school‐ sponsored athletic activity on the day of the suspected concussion.
Any student who is suspected of having sustained a concussion or other head injury shall be prohibited from further participation in school‐sponsored activities until he/she has been evaluated and received written medical clearance preferably from a licensed health care provider who is qualified and trained in concussion management.
School personnel shall comply with the student’s health care provider’s recommendations and in the absence of specific recommendations, with accepted district protocols in regard to gradual return to participation. No student will be permitted to return to full participation until cleared to do so. More than one evaluation by the student’s health care provider may be necessary before the student is cleared for full participation.
If at any time after the return to a school sponsored activity signs or symptoms of a concussion are observed, the student must be removed from the activity and referred to his/her health care provider for re‐evaluation.
By June 30 of each year, the Athletic Director in conjunction with the athletic trainer will identify the school‐sponsored athletic activities that pose a heightened risk of concussion or other head injury for additional monitoring. A list of these activities will be distributed to school administrators and coaches.
All coaches, including volunteer coaches, must undergo training in the identification and management of concussive and other head injuries prior to assuming their coaching responsibilities. The training must be consistent with such protocols as may be identified or developed by the Maine Department of Education (DOE) and include instruction in the use of such forms as the DOE may develop or require.
Coaches shall be required to undergo refresher training every two years or when protocols and/or forms have been revised.
School personnel must be made aware of the policy and protocol related to the management of concussive injuries.
Student Athlete And Parent Information
Annually, at the beginning of each school year, students and parents of students who will be participating in school‐sponsored athletic activities will be provided information regarding:
The risk of concussion and other head injuries and the dangers associated with continuing to participate when a concussion or other head injury is suspected;
The signs and symptoms of concussion and other head injuries; and
The school unit’s protocols for 1) removal from the activity when a student is suspected of having sustained a concussion or other head injury, 2) evaluation, and 3) return to participation in the activity (“return to play”).
The student and his/her parent(s) must sign a statement acknowledging that they have received and read this information before the student will be allowed to participate in any school‐sponsored athletic activity.
Concussion Management Team
The Superintendent will appoint a concussion management team including a school administrator, to be responsible, under the administrative supervision of the Superintendent, to make recommendations related to implementation of this policy. The concussion management team will include the Athletic Director, a school nurse, a guidance counselor and may include one or more principals or assistant principals, the school physician and such other school personnel or consultants as the Superintendent deems appropriate.
Adopted: July 8, 2013
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