As used herein, the terms “computer[s]” or “device[s]” refer to any desktop, laptop, server, chromebook, tablet or other mobile computing device, including cellular phones and wearables, owned or issued by the South Portland School Department to any student, or any privately owned devices used in school or used to access school department networks, Internet or services.
South Portland School Department’s computers, network and Internet access are provided to support the educational mission of the schools. This policy and the accompanying rules also apply to computers issued directly to staff, whether in use at school or off school premises. Employees are allowed to use privately-owned computer and/or devices at school, provided that they comply with this policy and the accompanying rules.
All South Portland School Department computers remain under the control, custody, and supervision of the department. It is the responsibility of employees to limit use of department computers, networks and Internet services to those tasks that support and/or enhance the course of instruction and effective management of the department. Given the insecure nature of electronic communications, all employees are reminded and encouraged to exercise appropriate caution and discretion concerning matters of a confidential nature.
Use of department computers, networks, Internet and services for non-school purposes is permitted so long as such use does not interfere with any employee’s job duties and/or performance. Such non school use must be consistent with standards of appropriate employee conduct. Employee use of department computers, networks, Internet and services for non-school purposes shall comply with all applicable laws and South Portland School Department policies, regulations, procedures, and standards. The department reserves the right to monitor all computer, network, and Internet activity by employees using department devices, networks, Internet or services, whether such activity has taken place on or off school grounds. Therefore, employees are reminded that there is no expectation of privacy in their use of school computers, networks, and/or Internet services.
Compliance with the South Portland School Department’s policies and rules concerning Computers and Computer Services use are mandatory. An employee who violates these policies and rules may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Violations of the school department’s policies and rules may also result in referral to law enforcement and/or legal action.
Each employee is entitled to access and utilize the South Portland School Department computers, networks, and Internet services only with prior authorization. Authorization is granted when employees have read and understand this policy and the Regulations for Employee Computer and Internet Use prior to use of the South Portland School Department computer, network, and Internet services.
The Superintendent shall be responsible for the administration of compliance with this policy in a manner consistent with applicable employment policies and negotiated agreements. Any employee who violates this policy and/or its regulations governing the use of the department’s computers will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action and possible referral to law enforcement authorities. The administration may also develop additional administrative regulations and/or procedures governing the day-to-day management and operations of the department’s computer system.
Cross Reference:
EGAA-R – Reproduction of Copyrighted Material - Guidelines
GCSA - Employee Computer and Internet Use
IJNDB - Student Technology and Internet and Cybersafety Use
IJNDB-R - Student Technology and Internet Use and Cybersafety Rules
Approved: 1/9/17
*Please excuse any formatting errors.