Building Evacuation Drills
In order to protect the safety of students and school personnel and in compliance with Maine Department of Education regulations, schools at all levels preK-12 are required to hold two emergency evacuation drills during the first two weeks of schools, and eight drills will be held thereafter to include both of the following two exceptions:
When the weather is severe, the emergency evacuation drills shall be permitted to be postponed.
The full number of emergency evacuation drills will be required; however, not less than four shall be conducted before the drills are deferred due to weather considerations.
Emergency evacuation procedures will be incorporated into the school department’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. The principals shall confer with the Fire Chief from time to time on matters pertaining to safety within their buildings and arrange for suitable school safety programs and or drills at regularly scheduled intervals. This will include special planning for the egress of students and staff in wheelchairs or who have other special needs requiring advanced planning.
Written procedures for emergency evacuation drills shall be posted in all buildings, in each classroom, and all offices.
Principals shall keep a record of all emergency evacuation drills held in their schools, stating the date and time the drill was held and the time required for evacuation of the building. This information will be reported to the Superintendent or his/her designee after each drill. Fire officials will be notified before each drill and will also receive a copy of the report for each drill.
The Superintendent/designee will be responsible for ensuring that school personnel receive an annual orientation concerning emergency evacuation procedures. The building principal will be responsible for ensuring that teachers familiarize students with designated evacuation routes prior to the first emergency evacuation drill of the school year.
Bus Evacuation Drills
Maine Department of Education regulations require that, at least twice a year, students who are transported in school buses be instructed in safe riding practices and participate in emergency evacuation drills. The Director of Transportation will be responsible for arranging the times and locations of such drills. Bus evacuation drills must be conducted in the school parking lot or other safe location. The Director of Transportation, in consultation with the Director of Instructional Support and/or Assistant Director of Instructional Support, will determine appropriate evacuation procedures for students with disabilities. The first evacuation drill will occur within the first three weeks of the school year.
Building Lockdown Drills
In compliance with the South Portland School Department Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, schools at all levels preK – 12 will conduct a Lockdown Drill once during each school year. This may be an “Internal Lockdown” drill or “External Lockdown” drill. Principals shall keep a record of all lockdown drills held in their schools, stating the date and time the drill was held. This information will be reported to the Superintendent or his/her designee after each drill. Fire officials will also receive a copy of the report for each drill.
Legal Reference: Ch. 125 § 10.2 (Me. Dept. of Ed. Rule)
Ch. 81 § 2(B) (Me. Dept. of Ed. Rule)
Cross-Reference: EBCC Bomb Threats
EBCA Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Adopted: Prior to 1985
Revised: April 1999
Revised: May, 2001
Revised: June 11, 2001
Revised: July 13,1 (Renamed and Recoded – Replaces EBCE – Fire Drills) Deleted: 201 Deleted: 2 2011
*Please excuse any formatting errors.