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Policy GCDA

Professional Staff Certification

Each teacher must hold a State Teacher Certificate to receive pay legally and to prevent  state subsidy penalties to the city.  

It is essential that each teacher’s Central Office record have up-to-date certification  information, including type of certification held, special endorsements, date of issuance,  and date of expiration. Teachers new to the system should bring their certificates to the  Superintendent’s Office so a copy can be made and placed on file. Also, other teachers in  the system who received renewal of certificates since the previous school year should  submit them to the Central Office for copying.  

Any teacher without certification on the opening day of school will be in breach of  contract and will not be paid for any time served without proper certification. If the  teacher has applied for re-certification and level of certification is the result of the  Department of Certification not completing the application, the teacher will continue to  receive his/her salary.  

Legal Ref: Title 20-A MRSA Section 13003  

Adopted: Date of manual adoption  

Revised: May, 2001  

Revised: July 9, 2001  

*Please excuse any formatting errors.