In the controversial area of religion, materials on all broad faiths of the world shall be included; such materials shall be factual and unbiased.
In the controversial area of political ideology, all sides of a question shall be represented, enabling a student to read widely and form his own point of view; books of sound factual authority shall not be removed from library shelves because of doctrinal disapproval.
In the controversial area of sex, the material shall be judged according to its comprehensive literacy qualities: creativeness, style, imagination, vision, distinction, etc. Books which present an honest picture of some problems or aspects of life are not always excluded because of coarse language or frankness. They will call for careful analysis by the librarian, however.
In the controversial area of race, materials on various ethnic groups shall be factual, unbiased and in good taste. The library does not promote particular beliefs or views. It provides a resource where the individual can examine issues freely.
Any form of library censorship will be challenged in order that all librarians may carry out their proper functions of providing comprehensive and enlightened library collections. Parents have the right to judge the reading materials of their own children but they do not have the right to determine what another parent’s child shall read, which is the end result of any form of censorship.
Library materials shall be selected upon recommendations from the professional staff subject to approval of the school librarian and the principal.
Professional school librarians in the South Portland School system shall select, evaluate, and disseminate library materials. They shall seek in their choice of both books and AV aids to carry out the provisions of the School Library Bill of Rights.
Basic book selection tools and personal examination of materials shall be used consistently, together with the suggestions from administrators, teachers and students. It is expected that discretion and good judgment will prevail.
Adopted: Prior to 1986
Revised: November 13, 2002 (Code Change)
*Please excuse any formatting errors.