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Policy JHF

Student Safety

The safety of students shall be assured through close supervision of students in all school  buildings and on all school grounds and through special attention to the following:

  1. Maintaining a safe school environment 

  1. Practicing safety in all areas, and in particular in those of instructional or  extracurricular activities which offer special hazards (javelin, football,  gymnastics, etc. to include laboratory sciences, industrial technology, etc.)

  1. Providing school nurse services and first aid care for students in the case of  accidents or illness.

  1. Notifying the police of suspicious strangers loitering in or near the school  buildings.  

  1. Instruction of students as to the dangers of accepting gifts or rides from strangers  and their responsibility to report all suspicious strangers to the principal, teacher,  their parents or the police.  

Adopted: March 8, 1976  

*Please excuse any formatting errors.