Grades Kindergarten through Grade 6
A student who is at least seven (7) years of age and has not completed grade 6 and has the equivalent of 7 full days of unexcused absences or 5 consecutive school days of unexcused absences during the school year is considered truant.
Data is collected on a monthly basis.
Truant students are referred to school official for a home contact. If necessary the administrator may request a home visit.
Special Education students are referred to an IEP meeting.
If the principal determines that a student is habitually truant, the principal shall send a letter informing parents of the habitual truancy. Student names are reported to the Superintendent of Schools.
School staff will document, in writing, all attempts to contact parents and students regarding matters of truancy.
The principal, as the superintendent’s designee, shall attempt to correct the problem informally. - Informal attempts must include meeting with the student and the student’s parents to identify possible causes of the habitual truancy and develop a plan to implement solutions to the problem. The meeting may also include representatives from DHHS and the Department of Corrections. Interventions may include, but are not limited to:
Frequent communication between the teacher and the family;
Changes in the learning environment;
Student counseling;
Tutoring, including peer tutoring;
Placement into different classes;
Evaluation for alternative education programs;
Attendance contracts;
Referral to other agencies for family services;
Other interventions, including, but not limited to, referral to the school attendance coordinator, RTI, or dropout prevention committee; and
After continued RTI action, special education referral can be considered.
If the superintendent’s designee is unable to correct the truancy of the child, the Superintendent shall send a certified letter to the parent with notice that attendance of the child at school is required by law.
The Superintendent shall schedule at least one meeting with the student and the student’s parents to reinforce or amend the plan developed previously.
If, after 3 school days after service of the notice to the parent, the student remains truant, and the parent and student refuse to attend scheduled meetings, the Superintendent shall report the facts of the unlawful absence to the local law enforcement department, which may proceed with action against the parent.
Grades 7 through Grade 12
A student who has completed grade 6 and has the equivalent of 10 full days of unexcused absences or 7 consecutive school days of unexcused absences during a school year is considered truant.
Data is collected on a monthly basis.
Truant students are referred to school official for a home contact. If necessary the administrator may request a home visit.
Special Education students are referred to an IEP meeting.
If the principal determines that a student is habitually truant, the principal shall send a letter informing parents of the habitual truancy. Student names are reported to the Superintendent of Schools.
School staff will document, in writing, all attempts to contact parents and students regarding matters of truancy.
The principal, as the superintendent’s designee, shall attempt to correct the problem informally. a. Informal attempts must include meeting with the student and the student’s parents to identify possible causes of the habitual truancy and develop a plan to implement solutions to the problem. The meeting may also include representatives from DHHS and the Department of Corrections. Interventions may include, but are not limited to:
Frequent communication between the teacher and the family;
Changes in the learning environment;
Student counseling;
Tutoring, including peer tutoring;
Placement into different classes;
Evaluation for alternative education programs;
Attendance contracts;
Referral to other agencies for family services;
Other interventions, including, but not limited to, referral to the school attendance coordinator, RTI, or dropout prevention committee; and
After continued RTI action, special education referral can be considered.
If the superintendent’s designee is unable to correct the truancy of the child, the Superintendent shall send a certified letter to the parent with notice that attendance of the child at school is required by law.
The Superintendent shall schedule at least one meeting with the student and the student’s parents to reinforce or amend the plan developed previously.
If, after 3 school days after service of the notice to the parent, the student remains truant, and the parent and student refuse to attend scheduled meetings, the Superintendent shall report the facts of the unlawful absence to the local law enforcement department, which may proceed with action against the parent.
To: (Student Name)
(Parent(s) Name(s))
From: (Administrator’s Name)
Your child, ______________________________________, a student at ______________ School has been absent from school without known reason for either X consecutive school days or a total of X cumulative days during this school year. A copy of _____________’s attendance record is enclosed.
Under the laws of the State of Maine, these unexcused absences result in your child being considered truant and will be referred to the Superintendent of Schools for official action. The law provides that a parent may be held legally responsible for these absences and may face civil action if the child does not return to school. We ask that you call the school and schedule an appointment to discuss any issues that may be related to these unexcused absences.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Adopted: 4/14/08
*Please excuse any formatting errors.